
在ubuntu Linux下搭建了svn服务器,工作正常,svn的档案respository存放在挂载的一个fat32分区中,apache的用户www-data也加入了plugdev组,能够正常读写svn的档案。

svn server build on ubuntu, apache, work fine. and svn respository is on mounted fat32 partition, and have add apache’s user www-data to plugdev group, so apache can r/w svn respository.


but when use svn client on fat32 partition, failed:

fwolf@wf:/media/hdd6/temp$ svn co http://localhost/svn/svntest/trunk –username guest Authentication realm: Fwolf’s Subversion Repository Password for ‘guest’: svn: Can’t set file ‘trunk/.svn/entries’ read-only: Operation not permitted


it’s because, in linux, some file are not write able to user who is not its owner, althought the operate user have write priv, this is a example. so to make svn run right, we must change owner of mounted fat32 partition.

fwolf@wf:/media/hdd6/temp$ sudo chown fwolf svntest Password: chown: changing ownership of `svntest’: Operation not permitted


it seems that we cannot change owner of mounted fat32 partition, so we can only modify fstab file. open /etc/fstab, change the line

/dev/hdd5 /media/hdd5 vfat defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 1

to / 改为

/dev/hdd5 /media/hdd5 vfat defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46,uid=1000 0 1

vfat是分区格式(fat32),utf8是分区的字符集iocharset,umask是挂载时分配的权限,gid 46时组“plugdev”,uid 1000就是我使用的用户fwolf。

vfat is partition fstype, utf8 is iocharset, umask is privilege not give when mount, gid 46 is group “plugdev”, uid 1000 is me — fwolf.


then remount the partition, the all file on this partition is owned by fwolf, and user fwolf use svn client finely.


参考: ref1, ref2-1, ref2-2



[miscellany] enable-auto-props = yes [auto-props] *.html = svn:keywords=Id


update @ 2006-5-24 后来发现这种把仓库存在fat32分区上的方式,虽然能够正常的checkout,但是checkin/commit的时候,会出现svn无法chmod的错误,所以仍然需要把svn的仓库存放在ext3分区上,并且把目录owner设为www-data。

3 thoughts on “在linux挂载的fat32分区上无法使用svn的问题,以及keywords:Id”

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